On 6/3/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Also, YKY, I can't help but note that your currently approach seems
> extremely similar to Texai (which seems quite similar to Cyc to me),
> more so than to OpenCog Prime (my proposal for a Novamente-like system
> built on OpenCog, not yet fully documented but I'm actively working on
> the docs now).
> I wonder why you don't join Stephen Reed on the texai project?  Is it
> because you don't like the open-source nature of his project?

You have built an AGI enterprise (at least, on the way to it).  Often
the *people* matter more than the technology.  I *need* to collaborate
with the community in order to win.  And vice versa.  Texai is closer
to my theory but you have a bigger community.  I don't have the
resources to rebuild the infrastructure that you have, eg the virtual
reality embodiment etc.

Opensource is such a thorny issue.  I don't have a clear idea yet...


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