I think that our culture of self-indulgence is to some extent in a Nirvana
attractor. If you think that's a good thing, why shouldn't we

No, I think it's a bad thing. That's why I said ">> This is why pleasure and lack of pain suck as goals. "

However, there is an undercurrent of the Singularity/AGI community that is
somewhat apocaliptic in tone,

Yeah, well, I would (and will, shortly) argue differently.

----- Original Message ----- From: "J Storrs Hall, PhD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <agi@v2.listbox.com>
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] Nirvana

In my visualization of the Cosmic All, it is not surprising.

However, there is an undercurrent of the Singularity/AGI community that is
somewhat apocaliptic in tone, and which (to my mind) seems to imply or assume that somebody will discover a Good Trick for self-improving AIs and the jig
will be up with the very first one.

I happen to think it'll be a lot more like the Industrial Revolution -- it'll take a lot of work by a lot of people, but revolutionary in its implications
for the human condition even so.

I'm just trying to point out where I think some of the work will have to go.

I think that our culture of self-indulgence is to some extent in a Nirvana
attractor. If you think that's a good thing, why shouldn't we all lie around
with  wires in our pleasure centers (or hopped up on cocaine, same
difference) with nutrient drips?

I'm working on AGI because I want to build a machine that can solve problems I
can't do alone. The really important problems are not driving cars, or
managing companies, or even curing cancer, although building machines that
can do these things will be of great benefit. The hard problems are moral
ones, how to live in increasingly complex societies without killing each
other, and so forth. That's why it matters that an AGI be morally
self-improving as well as intellectually.

pax vobiscum,


On Friday 13 June 2008 12:29:33 pm, Mark Waser wrote:
Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
-- Abraham Lincoln

In our society, after a certain point where we've taken care of our
immediate needs, arguably we humans are and should be subject to the Nirvana

Deciding that you can settle for something (if your subconscious truly can
handle it) definitely makes you more happy than not.

If, like a machine, you had complete control over your subconscious/utility
functions, you *could* Nirvana yourself by happily accepting anything.

This is why pleasure and lack of pain suck as goals.  They are not goals,
they are status indicators. If you accept them as goals, nirvana is clearly
the fastest, cleanest, and most effective way to fulfill them.

Why is this surprising or anything to debate about?

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