
On 6/21/08, Jim Bromer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   The major problem I have is that writing a really really complicated
> computer program is really really difficult.
The ONLY rational approach to this (that I know of) is to construct an
"engine" that develops and applies machine knowledge, wisdom, or whatever,
and NOT write code yourself that actually deals with articles of
knowledge/wisdom. That engine itself will still be a bit complex, so you
must write it in Visual Basic or .NET that provides a protected execution
environment, and NOT write it in C/C++ that makes it ever so easy to
inadvertently hide really nasty bugs.

REALLY complex systems may require multi-level interpreters, where a
low-level interpreter provides a pseudo-machine on which to program a really
smart high-level interpreter, on which you program your AGI. In ~1970 I
wrote an ALGOL/FORTRAN/BASIC compiler that ran in just 16K bytes this way.
At the bottom was a pseudo-computer whose primitives were fundamental to
compiling. That pseudo-machine was then fed a program to read BNF and make
compilers, which was then fed a BNF description of my compiler, with the
output being my compiler in pseudo-machine code. One feature of this
approach is that for anything to work, everything had to work, so once past
initial debugging, it worked perfectly! Contrast this with "modern" methods
that consume megabytes and never work quite right.

I wrote Dr, Eliza over the course of a year. I developed a daily workflow,
that started with answering my email while I woke up. Then came the most
creative work - module design. Then came programming, and finally came
debugging and testing. Obviously, you need a solid plan to start with to
complete such an effort. I spent another year developing my plan, an effort
that also involved going to computer conferences and bending the ear of
anyone who might have some applicable expertise. On a scale of complexity,
Dr. Eliza is MUCH simpler than many of the proposals being made here.
However, it does have one salient feature - it actually works in a
real-world useful way.

The more complex the software, the better the design must be, and the more
protected the execution must be. You can NEVER anticipate everything that
might go into a program, so they must fail ever so softly.

Much of what I have been challenging others on this form for came out of the
analysis and design of Dr. Eliza. The real world definitely has some
interesting structure, e.g. the figure 6 shape of cause-and-effect chains,
and that problems are a phenomenon that exists behind people's eyeballs and
NOT otherwise in the real world. Ignoring such things and "diving in" and
hoping that machine intelligence will resolve all (as many/most here seem to
believe) IMHO is a rookie error that leads nowhere useful.

Steve Richfield

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