2008/6/26 Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Perhaps we can completely sidestep the countless contentious issues
> regarding what intelligence is, what an AGI is, what consciousness is, what
> is needed, etc., with an entirely different approach:

It's the usual pattern for participants on AI forums to end up
endlessly trying to define what intelligence or consciousness is.
After many years of watching this happen the take home message for me
was that it is not possible to define such things by philosophical
enquiry or intraspection alone.

> Note in passing that intelligence alone does NOT assure success

Yes.  Many creatures get along quite happily with only modest
computing resources.  Carrying around a large brain is expensive, and
eventually you come up against diminishing returns where the cost of
running or maintaining the computing system outweighs its advantages
in terms of adaptive behavior.

> Please post concrete examples of useful activities that you hope that AGIs
> (rather than humans) will be performing.

A skill which any agent operating in the real world needs is to be
able to adequately sense its surroundings in a way which permits it to
use that information as a basis for taking decisions.  The reason why
the robots which we have today are not very smart is not because they
lack adequately sophisticated mechanical designs but because in most
cases they can only sense their environment in very limited ways.  It
turns out that merely gathering data from sensors is not enough, and
that the system needs to filter and integrate this raw data into some
kind of meaningful theatre.  The process or maintaining a mental
theatre involves synchronisation between high and low level systems.
This is essentially what I'm trying to do, and being an engineer I'm
also trying to do it in a way which can be implemented in a practical
and economical manner.

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