2008/6/26 Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Jiri previously noted that perhaps AGIs would best be used to manage the
> affairs of humans so that we can do as we please without bothering with the
> complex details of life. Of course, people and some (communist) governments
> now already perform this function, so while this might be a
> potential application, it doesn't count for this posting, as I am looking
> for things that people either can not do at all, or can not do adequately
> well.
> Thanks in advance for your concrete examples.

Personally I concentrate on things humans could do, but that they
don't have the time to do. Mostly I want to do Intelligence
Augmentation through augmented reality.

Highlight on a heads up display
 - food that corresponds to a certain health guidelines/ethical
standards by object recognition and searching on-line information
 - books that might be interesting (again by searching information) or
other people the user has known has read.

None of these should have to be explictly programmed/configured by the
user, the system should pick them up by interacting with the user and
other machines. They should also only be done in contexts when the
user is looking at the items involved (in a book store/library), and
not just all the time.

  Will Pearson

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