2008/6/30 Terren Suydam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ben,
> I agree, an evolved design has limits too, but the key difference between a 
> contrived design and one that is allowed to evolve is that the evolved
> critter's intelligence is grounded in the context of its own 'experience', 
> whereas the contrived one's intelligence is grounded in the experience of its
> creator, and subject to the limitations built into that conception of 
> intelligence. For example, we really have no idea how we arrive at spontaneous
> insights (in the shower, for example). A chess master suddenly sees the 
> game-winning move. We can be fairly certain that often, these insights are not
> the product of logical analysis. So if our conception of intelligence fails 
> to explain these important aspects, our designs based on those conceptions 
> will
> fail to exhibit them. An evolved intelligence, on the other hand, is not 
> limited in this way, and has the potential to exhibit intelligence in ways 
> we're not
> capable of comprehending.

I'm seeking to do something half way between what you suggest (from
bacterial systems to human alife) and AI. I'd be curious to know
whether you think it would suffer from the same problems.

First are we agreed that the von Neumann model of computing has no
hidden bias to its problem solving capabilities. It might be able to
do some jobs more efficiently than other and need lots of memory to do
others but it is not particularly suited to learning chess or running
down a gazelle. Which means it can be reprogrammed to do either.

However it has no guide to what it should be doing, so can become
virus infested or subverted. It has a purpose but we can't explicitly
define it. So let us try and put in the most minimal guide that we can
so we don't give it a specific goal, just a tendency to favour certain
activities or programs. How to do this? Form and economy based on
reinforcement signals, those that get more reinforcement signals can
outbid the others for control of system resources.

This is obviously reminiscent of tierra and a million and one other
alife system. The difference being is that I want the whole system to
exhibit intelligence. Any form of variation is allowed, from random to
getting in programs from the outside. It should be able to change the
whole from the OS level up based on the variation.

I agree that we want the systems we make to be free of our design
constraints long term, that is eventually correct all the errors and
oversimplifications or gaps we left. But I don't see the need to go
all the way back to bacteria. Even then you would need to design the
system correctly in terms of chemical concentrations. I think both
would count as the passive approach* to helping solve the problem,
yours is more indirect than is needed I think.

  Will Pearson

* http://www.mail-archive.com/agi@v2.listbox.com/msg11399.html

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