
> My plan is go for 3) Usefulness. Cognition is useful from
> an
> evolutionary point of view, if we try to create systems
> that are
> useful in the same situations (social, building world
> models), then we
> might one day stumble upon cognition.

Sure, that's a valid approach for creating something we might call intelligent. 
My diatribe there was about human thought (the only kind we know of), not 
cognition in general.
> This by the way is why I don't self-organise purpose. I
> am pretty sure
> a specified purpose (not the same thing as a goal, at all)
> is needed
> for an intelligence.
>   Will

OK, then who or what specified the purpose of the first life forms? It's that 
intuition of yours that leads directly to Intelligent Design. As an aside, I 
love the irony that AI researchers who try to design intelligence are 
unwittingly giving ammunition to Intelligent Design arguments. 



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