On 7/5/08, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Though there is a "loop", YKY's problem not is caused by circular
> inference, but by "multiple Inheritances", that is, different
> inference paths give different conclusions. This is indeed a problem
> in Bayes net, and there is no general solution in that theory, except
> in special cases.
> This problem is solved in NARS mainly by the confidence measurement,
> though inference trails are also relevant.
> See my "Reference Classes and Multiple Inheritances" at
> http://www.cogsci.indiana.edu/farg/peiwang/papers.html#reference_classes

I like the general direction of your approach (especially using w+ and
w-), but there are some problems...

Take an example:
   S1:  AGIers are usually nerds
   S2:  Nerds are usually socially awkward
   S:  AGIers are probably socially awkward

Suppose the frequencies of S, S1 and S2 are f, f1 and f2, resp.

If you draw the Venn diagram, you'd find that one piece is missing if
we want to deduce f, namely the portion of AGIers who are not nerds
but who are socially awkward.

In your paper you seem to suggest a heuristic rule:
   f = f1 f2 / (f1 + f2 - f1 f2)

I'm not saying the rule is bad, just wondering what kind of
assumptions you're making?


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