
 I wrote my last email in a rush. Basically what I was trying to explain is
precisely the basis of what you call creative process in understanding
words. I simplified the whole thing a lot because I did not even consider
the various layers of mappings - mappings of mappings and so on.

What you say is correct, the word art-cop will invoke various ideas, amongst
which art - which in turn will evoke art-exhibit, painting, art-criticism,
and whatever else you want to add. The word cop in analogy will evoke a
series of concepts, and those concepts themselves will evoke more concepts
and so on.

Now obviously if there were no 'measuring' system to how much concepts
are evoked among each other, this process would go no-where. But fortunately
there is such a measuring process and simplifying things a lot, it consists
of excitatory and inhibitory synapses, as well as overall disturbance or
'noise' which after so and so many transitions will make the signal lose its
significance (i.e. become random for practical purposes).

Hope this is not too confusing. I'm not that great at explaining my ideas
with words :)

Jim & Vlad:

that is a difficult question because it depends a lot on your
database. Actually Marko Rodriguez has attempted this in a program that
uses a database of related words from the University of South Florida. This
program is able to understand very simple analogies such as
Which word of the second list best fits in the first list?
bear, cow, dog, tiger: turtle, carp, parrot, lion

Obviously this program is very limited. If you just need to just search
words correspondence, I'd go with Vlad's suggestion. Otherwise there is a
lot to be implemented, in terms of layers, inhibitory vs excitatory
connections, concept from stimuli and so on..What strikes me in AGI is that
so many researchers try to build an AGI with the presupposition that
everything should be built in already, the machine should be able to resolve
tasks from day 1 - just like in AI. That's like expecting a new born baby to
talk about political issues! It's easy to forget that the database we have
in our brains, upon which we make decisions, selections, creations, and so
on.. is incredibly large.. in fact it took a life-time to assembe.

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