Harry: >> I have never bought this line of reasoning. It seems to me that meaning is a
layered thing, and that you can do perfectly good reasoning at one (or two or three) levels in the layering, without having to go "all the way down." And if that layering turns out to be circular (as it is in a dictionary in
the pure sense), that in no way invalidates the reasoning done.>>
My own AI work makes no attempt at grounding,

Vlad: It's too fuzzy an argument. ...These are all bad bugaboo philosophical
words, and they have many different, often misguided, interpretations.
You need to resolve this ambiguity in order for your argument to
obtain specific meaning. For example, from your side of the argument,
what is the "meaning" thing and why do you need it? What is your
concept of the "grounding" thing that others are talking about and
that you think is unnecessary?

This exchange (if you step outside it) provides a pretty good test of Harry's proposition. If you think you can do without grounding, Harry, you must explain how your system could reason as Vlad did in rejecting your argument as fuzzy.

1.Your proposition essentially: my AI system can reason successfully (or to a great extent) about meaning without being grounded in reality.

2.Vlad's rebuttal essentially : That's too fuzzy - what do you mean by "meaning" and "grounded."?

How would your system be able to say of any argument or proposition that "it's too fuzzy?" Bear in mind that Vlad, like all of us here, has read hundreds or thousands of statements about "meaning," " grounding" and this whole subject area, and probably has various interpretations of those words. but presumably won't find every statement he's read fuzzy/ ambiguous,

Yes, this is a highly philosophical subject area - and hard to analyse - but bear in mind that any AGI that would hope to navigate the internet as so many AGI-ers dream of, would regularly have to deal with concepts such as "meaning", "argument", "grounds for" [an argument], "fuzzy", "ambiguous," "interpretation," "evidence," "define", "make sense of" etc.

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