On 8/5/08, Abram Demski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Prolog (and logic programming) is Turing complete, but FOL is not a
> > programming language so I'm not sure.
> You are right, I should have said "FOL is turing complete within the
> right inference system [such as Prolog], but only when
> predicates/relations/functions beyond the ones in the data are
> allowed."

Well... is "Turing complete" really that important?  I mean, most
non-trivial KR schemes should be Turing complete.

Also, one can "splice" new predicates into old rules, thus eliminating
them.  So strictly speaking, new predicates do not add new content.
But they may make machine learning easier in heuristics (just
speculation).  Oh wait... the exception is that new predicates are
necessary for defining recursive predicates.  So yes, predicate
invention is necessary if resulting logic program need to contain
recursive predicates.

As for functions... ILP is complex enough with function-free FOL
already.  Researchers usually use a "flattening" technique to
eliminate functions.  So I don't know much about function creation.

> So, you are not trying to create your own new probabilistic logic, you
> are just trying to develop 1st-order bayesian networks further?

Yeah, I'm trying to distribute probabilities over fuzziness, with
first-order Bayes nets.  This is already quite complex.  And even this
seems unable to model some subtleties of commonsense concepts.... so I
need more thinking of it.


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