I realized that I made a very important error in my brief description
of prejudice.  Prejudice is the application of over-generalizations,
typically critical, that are inappropriately applied to a group. The
cause of the prejudice is based on a superficial characteristic that
most of the members of the group do share but the assertions that the
critical characteristics can be pinned to the group are made contrary
to evidence that only a few members of the group actually exhibit the
characteristics or contrary to the lack of evidence that would show
almost all the members of the group do exhibit the characteristics.

So prejudice, which is over-generalization based on one or a few
superficial characteristics of the group in spite of the evidence of
the diversity of the group, will typically be used to apply a list of
grievances onto the group as a whole even though the lack of evidence
that they all exhibit the undesirable behavior that the grievances
highlight is evident.

So then one of the earmarks of intellectual prejudice, that is
prejudice against a group based on ideas, is that the group is
typically mis-characterized as being of one mind.  That is, prejudice,
based on a single or a few superficial characteristics that the group
does share to some extent, is used inappropriately to suggest that all
of the members of the group share some other idea in common in spite
of evidence to the contrary.

However, even if the over-generalization of the group is obvious this
does not mean that the intellectual prejudice is intentional.

There is also a case for the style of presentation.  But when a person
doesn't ever try to qualify his remarks or to explain that he gets a
criticism about his presentation of obvious over-generalizations, then
we can take the this as evidence that his remarks are based, at least
to some degree, on superficial prejudice rather than objective
evidence and reason to the contrary.

Jim Bromer

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