On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 7:30 AM, Valentina Poletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Jim,
> I was wondering why no-one had brought up the information-theoretic aspect
> of this yet. Are you familiar at all with the mathematics behind such a
> description of AGI? I think it is key so I'm glad someone else is studying
> that as well.

I could not understand why Valentina thought that I was interested in
Information Theory. I sometimes use the term "information" as a
generic term so that it might be seen as a term that was applicable to
useful (or information carrying) data in different AI theories.

There is one idea that I have had trouble getting people to think
about and Valentina's question made me think about it.  We can think
about unusual programming concepts like my idea of a referential
enabler.  Just as the semiconductor industry uses enable lines, we can
use lines of reasoning as enabler or inhibitor lines that act on
separate referential lines (so to speak.)  So the different lines of a
Bayesian Net, for example, does not have to be dully gullied into the
same funnel each time it is used, they may be used as weighted
referential enable/inhibit circuits.  There is nothing radical about
this idea, but it is a new way of categorizing certain features of
information processing algorithms and as such it can be abstracted and
seen from a programming meta level just as you can abstract numerical
measures,conditionals, variables, references or networks.  This
referential enable/inhibit line can be done with mathematical methods.

A program branch on conditional can be seen as a kind of referential
enable/inhibit line.  I guess it is more of a selection condition, but
you should be able to understand what I am getting at.

Jim Bromer

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