2008/8/29 Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> About recursive self-improvement ... yes, I have thought a lot about it, but
> don't have time to write a huge discourse on it here
> One point is that if you have a system with N interconnected modules, you
> can approach RSI by having the system separately think about how to improve
> each module.  I.e. if there are modules A1, A2,..., AN ... then you can for
> instance hold A1,...,A(N-1) constant while you think about how to improve
> AN.  One can then iterate through all the modules and improve them in
> sequence.   (Note that the modules are then doing the improving of each
> other.)

I'm not sure what you are getting at here...

Is modification system implemented in a module (Ai)? If so how would
evaluate whether a modification Ai, call it AI' did a better job?

What I am trying to figure out is whether the system you are
describing could change to one which modules A1 to A10 were modified
twice as often as the other modules? Can it change itself so it could
remove a module altogether, or duplicate a module and specialise each
of the modules to a different purpose?

  Will Pearson


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