On Thursday 04 September 2008, Mike Tintner wrote:
> Do you honestly think that you write programs in a programmed way?
> That it's not an *art* pace Matt, full of hesitation, halts,
> meandering, twists and turns, dead ends, detours etc?  If "you have
> to have some sort of program to start with", how come there is no
> sign  of that being true, in the creative process of programmers
> actually writing programs?

Two notes on this one. 

I'd like to see fMRI studies of programmers having at it. I've seen this 
of authors, but not of programmers per-se. It would be interesting. But 
this isn't going to work because it'll just show you lots of active 
regions of the brain and what good does that do you?

Another thing I would be interested in showing to people is all of those 
dead ends and turns that one makes when traveling down those paths. 
I've sometimes been able to go fully into a recording session where I 
could write about a few minutes of decisions for hours on end 
afterwards, but it's just not efficient to getting the point across. 
I've sometimes wanted to do this for web crawling, when I do my 
browsing and reading, and at least somewhat track my jumps from page to 
page and so on, or even in my own grammar and writing so that I can 
make sure I optimize it :-) and so that I can see where I was going or 
not going :-) but any solution that requires me to type even /more/ 
will be a sort of contradiction, since then I will have to type even 
more, and more.

Bah, unused data in the brain should help work with this stuff. Tabletop 
fMRI and EROS and so on. Fun stuff. Neurobiofeedback.

- Bryan
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