On Thursday 04 September 2008, Matt Mahoney wrote:
> Another aspect of embodiment (as the term is commonly used), is the
> false appearance of intelligence. We associate intelligence with
> humans, given that there are no other examples. So giving an AI a
> face or a robotic body modeled after a human can bias people to
> believe there is more intelligence than is actually present.

I'm still waiting until you guys could show me a psychometric test that 
has a one-to-one correlation with the bioinformatics and 
neuroinformatics and then thus could be approached with a physical 
model down at the biophysics. Otherwise the 'false appearance of 
intelligence' is a truism - intelligence is false. What then? (Would 
you give up making brains and such systems? I'm just wondering. It's an 
interesting scenario.)

- Bryan
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