2008/9/5 Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> By contrast, all deterministic/programmed machines and computers are
> guaranteed to complete any task they begin.

If only such could be guaranteed! We would never have system hangs,
dead locks. Even if it could be made so, computer systems would not
always want to do so. Have you every had a programmed computer system
say to you. "This program is not responding, do you wish to terminate
it". There is no reason in principle why the decision to terminate the
program couldn't be made automatically.

> (Zero procrastination or
> deviation).

Multi-tasking systems deviate all the time...

> Very different kinds of machines to us. Very different paradigm.
> (No?)

We commonly talk about single program systems because they are
generally interesting, and can be analysed simply. My discussion on
self-modifying systems ignored the interrupt driven multi-tasking
nature of the system I want to build, because that makes analysis a
lot more hard. I will still be building an interrupt driven, multi
tasking system.

  Will Pearson

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