I'd just keep a long list of high scorers for regression and
occasionally reset the high score to zero. You can add random
specimens to the population as well...

On 9/7/08, Benjamin Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a general question for those (such as Novamente) working on AGI
> systems that use genetic algorithms as part of their search strategy.
> A GA researcher recently explained to me some of his experiments in
> embedding prior knowledge into systems. For example, when attempting to
> automate the discovery of models of a mechanical system, they tried adding
> some "textbook models" to the set of genetic operators. The results weren't
> good - the prior knowledge worked too well, causing the GA to converge too
> fast onto the prior knowledge. so fast that there wasn't time for the GA to
> build up sufficient diversity and quality in other solutions that might have
> helped get out of the local maxima. The message seemed to be that prior
> knowledge is too powerful - it can 'blind' a search - and that if you must
> use it, you'd have to very very aggressively artificially deflate the
> fitness of instances that use prior knowledge (and this is tricky to get
> right).
> This struck me as relevant to GA-based AGIs that continually build on and
> improve a knowledge-base. Once an AGI learns very simple initial models of
> the world, if it then tries to evolve deeper knowledge about more difficult
> problems (but, in the context of its prior learning), then its initial
> models may prove to be too good: forcing the GA to converge on poor local
> maxima that represent only minor variations on the initial models it learnt
> in its earliest days.
> Does this issue actually crop up in GA-based AGI work? If so, how did you
> get around it? If not, would you have any comments about what makes AGI
> special so that this doesn't happen?
> -Ben
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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