On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:46 AM, Abram Demski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Speaking of my BPZ-logic...

> 2. Good at quick-and-dirty reasoning when needed

Right now I'm focusing on quick-and-dirty *only*.  I wish to make the
logic's speed approach that of Prolog (which is a fast inference
algorithm for binary logic).

> --a. Makes unwarranted independence assumptions

Yes, I think independence should always be assumed "unless otherwise
stated" -- which means there exists a Bayesian network link between X
and Y.

> --b. Collapses probability distributions down to the most probable
> item when necessary for fast reasoning

Do you mean collapsing to binary values?  Yes, that is done in BPZ-logic.

> --c. Uses the maximum entropy distribution when it doesn't have time
> to calculate the true distribution

Not done yet.  I'm not familiar with max-ent.  Will study that later.

> --d. Learns simple conditional models (like 1st-order markov models)
> for use later when full models are too complicated to quickly use

I focus on learning 1st-order Bayesian networks.  I think we should
start with learning 1st-order Bayesian / Markov.  I will explore
mixing Markov and Bayesian when I have time...

> 3. Capable of "repairing" initial conclusions based on the bad models
> through further reasoning

> --a. Should have a good way of representing the special sort of
> uncertainty that results from the methods above

Yes, this can be done via meta-reasoning, which I'm currently working on.

> --b. Should have a "repair" algorithm based on that higher-order uncertainty

Once it is represented at the meta-level, you may do that.  But
higher-order uncertain reasoning is not high on my priority list...


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