On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 6:05 AM, Harry Chesley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The question of when it's ethical to do AGI experiments has bothered me
> for a while. It's something that every AGI creator has to deal with
> sooner or later if you believe you're actually going to create real
> intelligence that might be conscious. The following link is a blog essay
> on the subject, which describes my current thinking on the subject, such
> as it is. There's clearly much more that needs to be worked out.
> Comments, either here or at the blog, would be appreciated.
> http://www.mememotes.com/meme_motes/2008/11/ethical-experimentation-on-cognitive-entities.html

Personally, I'm not making an AGI that has emotions, and I doubt if
emotions are generally desirable in AGIs, except when the goal is to
make human companions (and I wonder why people need them anyway, given
that there're so many -- *too* many -- human beings around already).

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