On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 7:04 PM, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BillK wrote:
>> Nobody has mentioned this yet.....
>> <http://www.physorg.com/news146319784.html>
> I got a draft version of the paper earlier this year, and after a quick scan
> I filed it under 'junk'.
> I just read it through again, and the filing stays the same.

I have to agree. The paper attacks a strawman by blanket assertions.
Even worse, the attack itself is flawed: in section 2 he tries to
define the concept of "control", and, having trouble with free
will-like issues, produces a combination of brittle and nontechnical
assertions. As a result, in his own example (at the very end of
section 2), a doctor is considered "in control" of treating a patient
only if he can prescribe *arbitrary* treatment that doesn't depend on
the patient (or his illness).

Vladimir Nesov

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