Hilarious.  Clearly automated translation still has some way to go.

    "How does a company NOBAMENTE?"

Beats me.

    "long-term goal is to have a company that was founded in 2001"

It's always nice to have a long term goal situated in the past.

    "I live in Maryland and around Europe, and engineers scattered in Brazil"

Och, those engineers are always scattering themselves.

    "However, the consulting firm now sell products from companies
trying to migrate to the middle"

If you're going to migrate to anywhere I guess the middle is as good a
place as any.

    "Japan to imitate the actions of the users by household robots
will be able to "round one" comics, but in the four years after the
"first round" like a robot that can be realized."

Far out man.

    "The robots are making the dialogue company and strongly feel the
power of perception and learning about robots"

Human researchers replaced already!

    "according to an interview GATSERU CEO of NOBAMENTE"

GATSERU is presumably Ben's upload, installed to run NOBAMENTE.

Still chuckling,

- Bob

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