[repost from opencog list; I should've posted it on AGI in the first
place, instead of opencog]

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 7:01 AM, Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org> wrote:
> First thing: CopyCat doesn't work.  Not just in the sense that it's not AGI
> ... in the sense that it can't even solve hardly any of the simple, narrow
> analogy problems it was designed to solve.....   It's basically a
> non-operational "thought experiment."   Run the code yourself and see, there
> are some online versions....  It occasionally solves some simple problem,
> but most of Hofstadter's simple analogy problems, it just will never
> solve...
> And, there is no coherent theory backing up why a Copycat-like system would
> ever work.

Do you mean that examples that Hofstadter/Mitchell used in their
papers for CopyCat did not in fact work on their codebase? I remember
downloading second copycat implementations (in Java IIRC), it seemed
to be working. Besides, they don't claim anything grandiose for this
model, and it seems like it shouldn't be too hard to make it work.

Another story is that it's not obvious how to extend this style of
algorithm to anything interesting, too much gets projected into
manually specified parameters and narrow domain.

Vladimir Nesov

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