> Do you have any experimental results supporting your proposed probabilistic 
> fuzzy logic implementation? How would you devise such an experiment (for 
> example, a prediction task) to test alternative interpretations of logical 
> operators like AND, OR, NOT, IF-THEN, etc? Maybe you could manually encoding 
> knowledge in your system (like you did with Goldilocks) and test whether it 
> can make inferences? I'd be more interested to see results on real data, 
> however.

I can implement a usable inference engine of PZ logic in about 1 month.

I have a simple inference algorithm that people can use to test
alternative definitions of logical operators, if they want to.

Some use cases of OpenCog's PLN may be tested too...

I'm still a bit far from representing Goldilocks or Little Red
Ridinghood.  To do that, requires more than just the base logic.
You'd need a set of commonsense concepts for space, time, objects,
people, etc.  Cyc's KB may be re-used, but that seems to be a big job.

> (Also, instead of a disclaimer about political correctness, couldn't you just 
> find examples that don't reveal your obsession with sex?)

OK... I will change them in the next version =)


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