One of the first things in AGI is to produce software which is self
monitoring and which will correct itself when it is not working. For over a
day now I have been unable to access Google Groups. The Internet
access simply loops and does not get anywhere. If Google had any true AGI it
would :-

a) Spot that it was looping.
b) Failing that it would provide the use with an interface which would
enable the fault to be corrected on line.

This may seem an absolutely trivial point, but I feel it is absolutely
fundamental. First of all you do not pass the Turing test by being
absolutely dumb. I suppose you might say that conversing with Google was
rather like Tony Haywood answering questions in Congress. "Sorry we cannot
process your request at this time" (or any other time for that matter). You
don't either (this is Google Translate for you) by saying hat US forces
have committed atrocities in Burma when they have been out of SE Asia since
the end of the Vietnam war.

Another instance. Google denied access to my site saying that I had breached
the terms and conditions. I hadn't and they said they did not know why. You
do not pass the TT either by walking up and saying they had a paedophile
website when they hadn't.

I would say that the first task of AGI (this is actually a definition) would
be to provide software that is fault tolerant and self correcting. After all
if we have 2 copies of AGI we will have (by definition) a fault tolerant
system. If a request cannot be processed an AGI system should know why not
and hopefully be able to do something about it.

The lack of any real fault tolerance in our systems to me underlines just
how far off we really are.

  - Ian Parker

On 24 June 2010 07:10, Dana Ream <> wrote:

>  How do you work?
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* The Wizard []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 23, 2010 11:05 PM
> *To:* agi
> *Subject:* [agi] Questions for an AGI
> If you could ask an AGI anything, what would you ask it?
> --
> Carlos A Mejia
> Taking life one singularity at a time.
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