I'm trying to figure out right now, what skills, knowledge and abilities are
innate in children and which are learned. Any thoughts?

I have concluded myself that naive/simple theories of mind and intent are
innate. I have also concluded that visual parsing is likely innate, but
partially configured and improved through training. Most sensory processing
algorithms and biases are also innate in my opinion.

The question I'm trying to answer is... what is the most basic set of
heuristics, skills and knowledge that is required for an AGI to bootstrap
its learning and pick up everything else. Here is an example list of
reasoning skills... which are learned and which are innate? And from the
innate abilities and knowledge, how are the others learned?

    *  Abduction: the process of creating explanatory hypotheses.
    * Analogical reasoning: relating things to novel other situations.
    * Cause-and-effect reasoning: showing causes and resulting effect.
          o Cause-to-effects reasoning: starting from the cause and going
          o Effects-to-cause reasoning: starting from the effect and working
          o The Bradford Hill Criteria: for cause and effect in medical
    * Comparative reasoning: comparing one thing against another.
    * Conditional reasoning: using if...then...
    * Criteria reasoning: comparing against established criteria.
    * Decompositional reasoning: understand the parts to understand the
    * Deductive reasoning: starting from the general rule and moving to
    * Exemplar reasoning: using an example.
    * Inductive reasoning: starting from specifics and deriving a general
    * Modal logic: arguing about necessity and possibility.
    * Traditional logic: assuming premises are correct.
    * Pros-vs-cons reasoning: using arguments both for and against a case.
    * Set-based reasoning: based on categories and membership relationships.
    * Systemic reasoning: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * Syllogistic reasoning: drawing conclusions from premises.


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