MindForth Programming Journal (MFPJ)

Wed.22.SEP.2010 -- Solving the Missing "seq" 

Yesterday we solved the problem of the missing "seq" tags 
rather quickly, when we noticed that each time point with 
a missing "seq" was just outside the search-range of ten 
time-points as specified in the InStantiate mind-module. 
When we increased the search-range by one time-point, 
from ten to eleven as seen in the code below, the problem 

lackseq @ 1 = IF  \ if set one loop ago
\ t @ 10 -  t @ 4 -  DO  \ go back about ten engrams
\ t @ 11 -  t @ 4 -  DO  \ go further back; 21sep2010
  t @ 12 -  t @ 4 -  DO  \ go further back; 21sep2010

We added one more time-point to the search-range for the 
sake of safety. We realize that we may eventually need 
to declare something like a limitless search-range, 
which should serve quite well, since the search is 
abandoned after the first successful hit. 

3 Wed.22.SEP.2010 -- Mother of all Singularities

Yesterday's missing-seq bug was not showing up in the 
behavior of the AI, but its very presence was alarming 
and unsettling to us Singularitarian AI coders. Now we 
turn our relieved attention to the new bug du jour, 
the problem which we have already Web-published on 
20 September 2010 by posting the following exchange. 

Human: you are software

The response of the robot AI is in violation of our 
long-standing mandate that the introduction of a previously 
unknown noun should cause the AI to ask a "WhatIs" question 
about the new concept. Apparently the conceptual activations 
are so out of whack that the WhatIs module is not being 
triggered by the input of the noun "software" above. 
We merely note this problem in passing on to a more serious 
problem, the fact that the word "SOFTWARE" is undergoing 
unwarranted neural inhibition during the clumsy AI response. 
We will ignore but not fail to notice the wrong be-verb form. 

As we troubleshoot the weak but world's most powerful AI Mind, 
we have eleven windows open on our screen so that we may call 
up a wide range of helpful files while we are coding off-line -- 
not currently connected to the 'Net. The first window is our 
current MFPJ page, which we are composing by typing into the 
second window. Window seven is a text file of our penultimate 
AI source code, in which we may examine the whole MindForth AI 
program as it stood in its most recent release to the Web, 
while we alternate among running Win32Forth in a twelfth window 
for MS-DOS, viewing the output in a thirteenth window, and now 
and then editing the newest source code in a fourteenth window. 
La forza del destino has placed on our non-Atlantic shoulders 
the task of coding the mother of all Singularities with extreme 
caution and with due diligence. Until it turns out that the 
Daughters of the American Revolution have been coding in secret 
a colossal Forbin-esque AI that will swamp all our puny efforts, 
we operate on the assumption that the future of AI evolution 
will not be in safe hands until so many AI labs are at work 
that we can no longer single-handedly ruin the AI emergence by 
taking a wrong turn into a blind AI alley. Therefore we now 
inspect the code in window seven and we look for a reason why 
our recently published output is unwarrantedly being subjected 
to neural inhibition. 


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