Voting results for Proposals 5190 - 5198:

[This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
 following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
 Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED, and FAILED QUORUM (!).]

 5190  Oi  1    comex       infrared VCs
*5191  Oi  1    root        Voting period extensions
*5192  Oi  1    root        Fix Contests
 5193  Di  2    Zefram      calendar cleanup
*5194  Oi  1.7  Zefram      equity court
*5195  Di  3    Zefram      stronger definition of paradox
 5196  Di  3    Zefram      empty throne
*5197  Di  2    Zefram      spending multiple VCs on VVLOP
 5198  Di  3    BobTHJ      Make Bob's messages valid

                  5190  5191  5192  5193  5194  5195  5196  5197  5198

BobTHJ              F     F     P     F     P     P     F     F     F
comex              8F    8F    8F     A    8F     F     A     F     F
Levi               5F   4F+A  A+4F    A     P     F     A     A     A
Murphy             5A    5A    5F     F    5F     F     A     F     A
Pavitra            4A    4F    4F     F    4F     F     F     A     A
root              11A   11F   11F     A   11F     F     F     F     A
Zefram            15A   15F   15F     F   15F     F     F     F     A

AI                  1     1     1     2     1.7   3     3     2     3
VI                  0.4   7.1+ 47     1.3+ *U*   *U*    1.3+  2.5   0.4
F/A               14/35 43/6  47/1   4/3  43/0   6/0   4/3   5/2   2/5

Quorum              5     5     5     5     5     5     5     5     5
Voters              7     7     7     7     7     7     7     7     7

comex's additional votes were invalid due to VLOP.

I'm interpreting comex's retraction ("3 = 4 and I retract all my votes
on P5194") as individually true and/or effective, despite being part of
a false compound statement.  If it wasn't, then Proposal 5194 was still
adopted (35/8).

Murphy's additional votes on Proposal 5195 were invalid due to VLDP.

root's original votes on Proposals 5190 and 5195 were retracted.

If Levi won on August 20, then:
  Proposal 5190 was still rejected (9/16) but without a Red VC penalty
  Proposal 5191 was still adopted (21/4)
  Proposal 5192 was still adopted (23/1)
  Proposal 5194 was still adopted (20/0) with an Orange VC award

Text of adopted proposals:


Proposal 5191 (Ordinary, AI=1, Interested) by root
Voting period extensions

Create a new rule titled "Extending the voting period" that reads:

      Whenever the voting period of an Agoran decision would end, and
      the result would be FAILED QUORUM, the length of the voting
      period for that decision will immediately be doubled, provided
      this has not already happened for the decision in question.

      Upon such an occurrence, the vote collector for the decision
      SHOULD issue a humiliating public reminder to the slackers who
      have not yet cast any votes on it despite being eligible.


Proposal 5192 (Ordinary, AI=1, Interested) by root
Fix Contests

Amend Rule 2136 by replacing the text reading:

      A contestmaster may award a total of up to 10 points per week to
      one or more contestants as permitted by the contest, unless e
      was contestmaster of a different contest for at least 3 days of
      the previous week.


      A contestmaster may award a total of up to 10 points per week to
      one or more contestants as permitted by the contest, unless e
      is contestmaster of a different contest simultaneously or has
      been at any time during the preceding span of seven days.


Proposal 5194 (Ordinary, AI=1.7, Interested) by Zefram
equity court

Enact a power=1.7 rule with title "Equity Cases" and text

      There is a subclass of judicial case known as an equity case.
      An equity case's purpose is to correct a potential injustice in
      the operation of a particular contract.  An equity case CAN be
      initiated by any party to the contract, by announcement which
      clearly identifies the contract, the set of parties to the
      contract, and a state of affairs whereby events have not
      proceeded as envisioned by the contract (such as, but not
      limited to, a party acting in contravention of eir contractual

      The initiation of an equity case begins its pre-trial phase.
      During the pre-trial phase, the case requires a judge.  In the
      pre-trial phase the judge SHALL as soon as possible inform all
      the contracting parties of the case and invite them to submit
      arguments regarding the equitability of the situation.  The
      pre-trial phase ends one week after the parties have been so
      informed, or immediately when all parties have announced that
      they wish to terminate the pre-trial phase.

      The parties to the contract are all unqualified to be assigned
      as judge of the case.

      An equity case has a judicial question on equation, which is
      applicable at all times following the pre-trial phase.  The
      valid judgements for this question are the possible agreements
      that the parties could make that would be governed by the rules.
      A judgement is appropriate if and only if it is a reasonably
      equitable resolution of the the situation at hand with respect
      to the matters raised in the initiation of the case and by the
      parties in the course of the case.

      When an applicable question on equation in an equity case has a
      judgement, and has had that judgement continuously for the past
      week, the judgement is in effect as a binding agreement between
      the parties.  In this role it is subject to modification or
      termination by the usual processes governing binding agreements.

      An appeal concerning any assignment of judgement in an equity
      case within the past week, other than an assignment caused by a
      judgement in an appeal case, CAN be initiated by any party to
      the contract in question by announcement.


Proposal 5195 (Democratic, AI=3, Interested) by Zefram
stronger definition of paradox

Amend rule 2110 to read

      If an inquiry case on the possibility of a rule-defined action
      or the permissibility of an action results in a judgement of
      UNDECIDABLE, and that judgement is not appealed within a week,
      then the initiator of the inquiry case wins the game if e is a
      player.  This can only occur once per inquiry case.

[The reformed judicial system provides a clear way to indicate a legal
paradox, so let's use it.  Requiring the use of a CFJ for the win by
paradox avoids a lot of woolliness in the first clause of the current
R2110, and also makes it easier to establish who should get the win.]


Proposal 5197 (Democratic, AI=2, Interested) by Zefram
spending multiple VCs on VVLOP

Amend rule 2126 by replacing the text

      a) A player may spend two VCs of different colors to increase
         another player's VVLOP by one.

      b) A player may spend three VCs of different colors to increase
         eir own VVLOP by one.

      c) A player may spend two VCs of different colors to decrease
         another player's VVLOP by one (to a minimum of zero).

      d) A player may spend three VCs of different colors to decrease
         another player's VVLOP by ten percent.


      a) A player may spend N+1 VCs of different colors to increase
         another player's VVLOP by N, where N >= 1.

      b) A player may spend N+2 VCs of different colors to increase
         eir own VVLOP by N, where N >= 1.

      c) A player may spend N+1 VCs of different colors to decrease
         another player's VVLOP by N (to a minimum of zero).

      d) A player may spend N+2 VCs of different colors to multiply
         another player's VVLOP by (10-N)/10, where 1 <= N <= 10.

[Generalises all current ways to spend VCs on VVLOP, to produce
progressively greater per-VC effect as the number of colors involved
rises.  With rare colors around, this introduces a tension between the
efficiency of spending more colors at once and the desire to collect
all colors for the palette win (if that's adopted).  In some cases
it's even worth transferring VCs (via the one-for-two mechanism) in
order to cooperate in a VC spend.]

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