
New Message on AhmedabadUserGroup

From: DotNet-Shyam
Message 1 in Discussion

Using Extension Methods
How often do you want to modify existing classes to have extra methods? Quite 
often. Right? When you have source code of the classes under consideration at 
your hand then things are easy. You probably just add the extra methods to 
those classes. What if you don't have source code? Well. In such cases one 
approach is to inherit the existing classes and add extra methods to the child 
classes. However, this way may not be always correct and possible in terms of 
your application design and OO principles. Luckily, C# offers a quick way to 
extend your class functionality through a feature known as Extension Methods. 
Extension methods allow you to extend existing types without inheriting them. 
This article is going to throw some light on this handy feature.
Author: Bipin Joshi
Course Coordinator BinaryIntellect Consulting


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