Hi Simone,

Your definition is historically the correct one.. 
Note that the term "kriging analysis", sloppy translation for
the term "analyse krigeante" introduced in Matheron's 1992 seminal 
paper, could also be used. 

The use of the term "factorial kriging" for the
decomposition of a RF into spatial components based on a nested semivariogram
model can be traced back to Gslib user manual. To be consistent, I used
the same term in my book and used the expression "multivariate factorial 
kriging" when dealing with more than one variable (e.g. regionalized PCA).

I think that both expressions are acceptable, albeit confusing. The
use of the term "factorial" does not systematically imply a multivariate
analysis and a factor does not need to be a linear combination of variables.

Hope it helps,


Pierre Goovaerts
Chief Scientist at BioMedware
516 North State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Voice: (734) 913-1098 (ext. 8)
Fax: (734) 913-2201 

-----Original Message-----
From:   Simone Sammartino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wed 1/18/2006 9:12 AM
To:     Geostat newsgroup
Subject:        [ai-geostats] FK and K of spat. comp.
Dear All
a term specification:
What is the difference between "Factorial Kriging" and "Kriging of spatial 
I've always believed that the first is the kriging of the factors deriving from 
the regionalized PCA of multivariate datasets, and the second is the 
discrimination of the different spatial components deriving from the evaluation 
of nested variograms.
But I can still read in most of scientific articles, about factorial kriging as 
the estimation procedure related to nested variograms...and it should be not 
exactly correct!
Do I wrong?
Thank you
Dr. Simone Sammartino
PhD student
- Geostatistical analyst
- G.I.S. mapping
I.A.M.C. - C.N.R.
Geomare-Sud section
Port of Naples - Naples

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