Hi Niklas,
This is a very good question; in fact one of the participants to my last short 
asked the same question since he was using ARCview with the option
"nugget effect excluded"  and was surprised to see that his observations were
not honored by the kriging predictions. This is related to the issue
of how to define the nugget effect. On almost all figures in the literature the 
model seems to start on the vertical axis at a value equal to the nugget 
effect, while
in fact the value of the model is set to zero for h=0 in the kriging system. 
This ensure
that kriging is an exact interpolator, which is usually a desirable property.
When interpolated nodes correspond to sampled locations, this exactitude
property can create spikes in the kriged map; in other words these locations
contrast with the general smoothness of the interpolated map produced by kriging
and it is one reason why the option to filter the noise, even at the sampled 
was introduced (A general presentation of the filtering properties of kriging
can be found in my book p. 172-174). Another application of the filtering
method is the use of kriging for finding minimum or maximum in numerical models;
see paper 
Sasena, M.J., Parkinson, M., Goovaerts, P., Papalambros, P.Y. and M. Reed. 
Adaptive experimental design applied to an ergonomics testing procedure. 
Proceedings of 
DETC'02 ASME 2002 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and 
Information in Engineering Conference. Montreal, Canada, September 29- October 
2, 2002. 
More generally, the question is whether the nugget effect represents 
measurement errors
(variability at the sampled locations) which you might want to filter, or 
whether it
represents small-scale variability in the field.
Note that the discontinuities in the map will disappear if you use a simulation 
Hope it helps,
Pierre Goovaerts
Chief Scientist at BioMedware
516 North State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Voice: (734) 913-1098 (ext. 8)
Fax: (734) 913-2201 


From: Törneman Niklas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 3/6/2006 3:14 PM
To: ai-geostats@unil.ch
Subject: [ai-geostats] kriging without a nugget 

Hi All,
I am sort of a beginner within this field and my question might seem a bit 
simple. Any help would be appreciated however.
In commercial all purpose software's such as SURFER there is an option to 
exclude the nugget effect from the kriging interpolation. 
The purpose is to ensure that measured values are honoured at their locations. 
This seems understandable to me since the absence of a nugget ensures that the 
variance is zero at a distance of zero from the measured point, i.e. the 
measured value=interpolated value. 
However, in most projects that I work with (soil pollution problems) there is a 
significant nugget effect. My question is simply how the interpolation is 
affected if the nugget effect is excluded when in reality there is a clear 
nugget present in the data.
One reason for this question (apart from a personal interest) is that I am 
trying to motivate the use of other methods (i.e. SGS) and more specialized 
software such as SGeMS and GS+. One good easily explainable motivation for this 
would be if the above mentioned methodology of excluding the nugget is 
inappropriate, which is suspect that it is.


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