Hi all,
I'm working on a dataset with points spaced 2km in one direction (N-S), and 8 
km in E-W one.
Usually, working on data points equally spaced in all directions, I calculate 
the omnidirectional variogram, choosing the right lag value, and then calculate 
the directional ones using the same lag used for the omnidirectional variogram, 
in order to assess if spatial anisotropy exist, and then get the anisotropy 
My doubts are: 
1) Is this procedure still valid in this case? Or I have to choose different 
lag values for directional variogram in N-S and E-W directions?
2) Using different lag values for different directions can I obtain a correct 
evaluation of anisotropy ratio?
3) More generally, "must" be the lag distance for directional variograms  
always the same of the omnidirectional one?

Best regards


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