Hi Philippe

Why not simply calculating some statistitics of your points clous before and after the build up of the facilities? For example I'll try to see if the mean center and the spread of the cloud changed. Then I guess that more than considering the single points it could be interesting to analyze the whole single routes of the animals and see if something
changed (variability, mean length, ...).
Another simple try could be to calculate a raster indicating the distance from the coast and make a plot indicating the number (or frequency) of points versus the classes of distances and see how it changed.
But probably you already considered these ideas.

At 07.33 05/05/2010, you wrote:
Dear list,

I am working on a project which aims to determine whether the construction of industrial facilities near to / in the middle of a migratory path for large marine animals has an effect on the spatial distribution of those migrating animals. My dataset consists of a series of points marking the location (GPS coordinates) of animals sighted during several dedicated aerial surveys over the area (before and after the construction of the industrial platform), and I also know the position of the facilities of course. How can relate the spatial distribution of animals to the presence of the industrial facilities, with the objective of testing whether the animals have been displaced from their normal route ?

My initial thoughts on this were to:

1) test for CSR (Complete Spatial Randomness) in the point pattern - if the animals were distributed randomly over the area prior to the implantation of the facilities but now display a clustered or gradient pattern in distribution, this could be indicative of a possible displacement. 2) Construct 2D kernel density estimates, using appropriate functions in R, for each day an aerial survey was carried out - that would enable me to understand how the distribution of animals changes through time.ยจ

Is this the right way to go ? Are there other tools / analyses out there that may be more suited to answering my question and that I may not be aware of ?

Any ideas or suggestions much welcome and greatly appreciated,

Many thanks in advance,


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