dear users,
currently i'm working on my master thesis. the aim is to reconstruct
hydrogeologic parameters via sisim in gslib on a contaminated site.
afterwards a simulation with feflow will be done. my input consists of 35
borehole profiles with a total amount of 1200 datapoints consisting of 4
indicators. these points are set 10 cm before and after a layer is changing
and in the middle of each layer (more points if the interval between points
will be over 1 m).
i'm relatively new to geostatistics and i'm experiencing some problems doing
the indicator variograms. currently i use sage2001 (
the output are 3 rotations, 3 azimuths and 3 dips for the anisotropy. i'm
not exactly sure how to put these into the sisim routine in gslib. the
azimuths are the angles 1-3 for each indicatorvariogram but the rotations?
and dips?
for the search ellipsoid, which are the ranges i need to enter - the biggest
and smallest of all variogram ranges?
another problem i got is that my simulation results matches my pdf input
only by ~60 %. will these results get better with exacter variogram inputs?

thanks for any feedback and advices,


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