Dear Seniors of Geostatics

I have got two simple questions that I want to include in my new
manuscript. I wonder yours answers.
First of all. Wiener filter is a simple kriging filter so why ordinary
kriging is not a filter. Is not true that
only by nugget effect the kriging estimate can exceed lower  or upper limit
in sample? What's the
interpolation technique that is bounded by lower and upper limit in sample.
Second. In the terms of
correlation function on the right hand side of kriging variance we have got
variance of the field.
If on the left hand side of kriging variance we have got random values then
we should replace
random variable by random value in the expression on variance on the right
hand side of kriging
variance. Now, the right hand side of kriging variance would depend on
unknown true (random) value
and would be completely worthless. Mathematics can not lie and does not
lie. Practice miners see
in practice that kriging variance is not a mean squared error. If kriging
variance is equal to zero value
it does not mean that the estimate matches observation but only that the
variance of the estimation
statistics is equal to the variance of the field. It means that outcoming
of input value is unknown for
the mathematical model. I just wonder where I am wrong.

Best Regards
t. suslo

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