I must ask this question again. I am trying to use the rpm version of AIDE. I 
believe that version is 0.14.

However, when I use it I get error that reads:

Caught SIGBUS/SEGV while mmapping. File was truncated while aide was running?
Caught SIGBUS/SEGV. Exiting

I believe that the only way to remove this error is to configure aide without 
mmapping. You said that  in a previous post.

The only way that I know of how to do that is by the command:

 ./configure without-mmapping  

Which precedes the make, and make install commands. 

When someone works with the source code in aide-01.5.tar.gz that can be done, 
and only when someone works with the source code.

The rpm version of aide is already configured with mmapping and there is no 
direct way to shut it off. 

Thus we are forced to avoid the rpm version and use the source code version, 
tar.0.15.tar.gz when installing aide.

This seems to be the only way, if there is another then please tell me.

Thanks in advance.


James M. Yunker

 PS.   This error, which reads :

Caught SIGBUS/SEGV while mmapping. File was truncated while aide was running?
Caught SIGBUS/SEGV. Exiting

Is unique to this version of aide (an rpm version) and a successor version of 
aide in a rpm format will correct this. 

That is what I can learn from looking at emails and looking that error up on 
the internet.

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