> Not clear what this for.  Is it to repair a bug in ant?

No... the taglibs build process now requires you to copy a
build.properties.sample to build.properties and edit it.  I can active the
same effect by setting the properties before invoking ant.

The last two lines in the build.properties.sample file are problematic.
They read thus:

   build.dir = ${base.dir}/build
   dist.dir = ${base.dir}/dist

Now, I don't have logic in gump to build computed properties, but I do have
logic to reference home paths for projects, and the ability to define
nested projects, so I simply defined two nested projects named
taglibs.build and taglibs.dist which required no update or build steps, but
conveniently have home directories defined to be nested within the
jakarta-taglibs project.

- Sam Ruby

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