Sam Ruby wrote:
Christopher Lenz wrote:

This is quite a huge change, and I'm not currently able to test it, so... feel free to reject this patch and point me to possible mistakes :-)

Two problems with this patch.

1) It doesn't seem to contain the previous change in which the names of the jar files were renamed.
Doh. Sorry. :-P

2) Various jakarta-cactus projects fail because jakarta-taglibs no longer exists.
Yeah, I was planning to adjust the Cactus descriptor after the change was committed.

I am quite comfortable with people using the published builds to debug the actual gump runs - as long as they are attentive. However, I really would prefer if people who submitted patches could take a moment and actually build the "gen" target of the build.xml in the gump directory.

See, and ignore the Generation step and beyond.
Understood. I'll try to set it up.

Christopher Lenz
/=/ cmlenz at

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