I've been looking at the Alexandria site for a while, checking every
week or so. with the hope that the project has went into active
development. but since it hasn't changed, I thought I could lend a hand
to get this thing working. 
I have a few years of experience with servlets (nothing production
level), and recently started developing JSP apps for my job (at the
university I attend). I have classes and work, so I am not sure how much
time I can invest in this, but I should be able to put in a couple of
hours every few days at least. 
My primary interest is in developing a CVS repository browser using
java, I use a PHP based one (horde-chora) which doesn't have all the
capabilities I want, and a python one (viewcvs+cvsgraph) which seems a
bit archaic to me.so I would prefer to have something more 'modern'.
If I understand correctly Alexandria is supposed to provide such a
capability.and I would like to help build it.  I understand that
Alexandria generates mostly static html pages, so maybe there isn't
anything for me to do, but if there is. please let me know. or maybe
point me in a different direction.

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