In accord with Forrest, I have just committed a refactored Alexandria to Forrest CVS, as ForrestDoc.

I am not aware of the status of the query with Maven (status?), but in any case this means that Alexandria is closed for business.

Hence I propose that we close down Alexandria, by:

0 - telling the Jakarta PMC
1 - stating it on the website
2 - removing the site link from the Jakarta Pages
3 - tarring up CVS in accord with infrastructure reqs and removing it
    from live CVS - making sure that we don't kill Gump in the process
    (I'll ping the Gump list for it, as the move to top level seems to
     be contextual).
4 - closing down the alexandria lists


Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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