i just finished testing several different patched and unpatched linux
kernels, and was surprised by the results:  all basically the same.

alsa    range = 33.4% to 33.8%    1.336 ms to 1.352 ms    diff = 0.016 ms
oss-emu range = 91.6% to 91.9%    3.664 ms to 3.676 ms    diff = 0.012 ms

as you can see, the differences are negligible and probably irrelevant if
more tested were done, and a standard 2.4.12 kernel is just as good as any
patched kernel.

one note:  when i did a real-world test of latency by looping a signal
through my card and dividing the difference in time by 2 (because of input
and output latency), i got 3.675 ms latency using kernel 2.4.8-ll with oct
1 alsa-cvs, and that corresponds with the oss-emu latency for some reason
instead of the alsa latency.  i don't know why, and i'll test this on
other kernels soon.

my system is an amd athlon 900 mhz running at 1006 mhz with redhat 7.1 and
an  m-audio delta audiophile 2496 soundcard.  i used alsa-cvs from october
20 and takashi iwai's modified version of latencytest0.42+alsa.  the
kernels tested are 2.4.8-ll, 2.4.9-ll, 2.4.10-ll, 2.4.10-pe, 2.4.12,
2.4.12-ac2, 2.4.12-ac2-ll, 2.4.12-ac3, and 2.4.12-ac3-pe.
ll = low-latency
pe = pre-emptive
ac2 and ac3 are alan cox's patches

latencytest was ran as follows:
./latencytest -t alsa -d hw -q none 3 256
./latencytest -t oss -q none 3 256


details below:
sample rate = 48000
NUMBER of OVERRUNS = 0          PIXEL_PER_MS=112
fragment latency = 1.333333 ms  buffer latency= 4.000 ms
fragment size=256               total buffer size=768
cpu_load= 80.0000%              cpu latency = 1.066667 ms
with alsa, 100% of samples are within 1ms of buffer
used alsa-cvs from oct 20, oss = alsa's oss-emu

output type = ALSA max latency=1.3 ms  factor=33.4 % of buffer

output type = OSS max latency=3.7 ms  factor=91.6 % of buffer
1MS factor=83.467993    2MS factor=99.937850

output type = OSS max latency=3.7 ms  factor=91.9 % of buffer
1MS factor=83.367698    2MS factor=99.965636

output type = ALSA max latency=1.3 ms  factor=33.6 % of buffer

output type = ALSA max latency=1.3 ms  factor=33.7 % of buffer

output type = OSS max latency=3.7 ms  factor=91.7 % of buffer
1MS factor=83.400810    2MS factor=99.932524

output type = ALSA max latency=1.3 ms  factor=33.4 % of buffer

output type = OSS max latency=3.7 ms  factor=91.7 % of buffer
1MS factor=83.372922    2MS factor=99.966067

output type = ALSA max latency=1.4 ms  factor=33.8 % of buffer

output type = OSS max latency=3.7 ms  factor=91.7 % of buffer
1MS factor=83.361392    2MS factor=99.971942

output type = ALSA max latency=1.3 ms  factor=33.5 % of buffer

output type = OSS max latency=3.7 ms  factor=91.7 % of buffer
1MS factor=83.390216    2MS factor=99.943117

output type = ALSA max latency=1.3 ms  factor=33.4 % of buffer

output type = OSS max latency=3.7 ms  factor=91.7 % of buffer
1MS factor=83.372828    2MS factor=99.960506

output type = ALSA max latency=1.3 ms  factor=33.6 % of buffer

output type = OSS max latency=3.7 ms  factor=91.6 % of buffer
1MS factor=83.402836    2MS factor=99.972199
output type = ALSA max latency=1.3 ms  factor=33.4 % of buffer

output type = OSS max latency=3.7 ms  factor=91.7 % of buffer
1MS factor=83.385093    2MS factor=99.948240

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