On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Christof Damian wrote:

> the problem is that it uses the ak4528 as ADC, instead of the
> ak4524. This gives better quality, but you can't adjust the level of
> the recording. Thats ok for a studio, where you go through a mixer
> anyway, but if you connect directly to a hifi system it makes
> recording from different sources impossible (or at least difficult).

where can i get info on these adcs?  i bought my card and mixer at the
same time so i just turn evrything up or mute it with envy24control.  i
can adjust the input levels using envy24control, though (i don't have it
set up currently to test it), and select +4dB and -10dB signal levels.  is
input gain boosting the signal, instead of just controlling how much of it
gets through?


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