
Has anyone out there had problems with the ens1370 drivers? I've been
getting crashes which I had initially thought were to do with the OSS
emulation layer, but now I'm getting ardour running I'm getting crashes
through that too, maybe due to unclean exits?

I've submitted a bug report to two different bug trackers and both authors
mentioned the the code for the driver but had absolutely no response :(

The crashes completely lock my system and I haven't got any useful
debugging output so I'm really stabbing in the dark here...


+-----Ben Bell - "A song, a perl script and the occasional silly sig.-----+
  ///      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            www: http://www.deus.net/~bjb/
  bjb    Don't try to drive me crazy... 
  \_/                                        ...I'm close enough to walk. 

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