Hello ALSA-developers!

I recently bought a SB Live card, partly because it seems to be
supported best by ALSA, at least regarding the in-built
synthesizer. It works quite well, but it still seems to have some

*) Sounds are often cut off (especially noticeable with cymbals). I
   first thought this could be a general problem of the card, but in
   windows the problem doesn't exist. I tried different players under
   linux (pmidi, drvmidi), but it didn't improve things. So I think
   it's an ALSA problem.

*) Is it possible that the driver has problems with big soundfonts? I
   use the UtopiaLive sf (32 MB), and there are midi-files where some
   instruments aren't played. When I use the standard 8 MB soundfont
   from EMU I can hear them. Under windows it works in both cases.

Don't know if these are known problems, so I decided to report them

regards, Stefan


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