
  I have noticed, that fm801.c calculates wrong timeout for some of its
timeout values.
This is actual line from fm801.c source:

timeout = jiffies + (4 * HZ) / 3;               /* 75ms */

Actually, this timeouts after 1.33 second!! If HZ = 100, then every
jiffie takes 10ms. Proper timeout would be:

timeout = jiffies + 0.075 * HZ ----> jiffies + 7 (better, 8)

Because of this, I would suggest new macro called for example snd_mwait,
defined as:

snd_mwait(x)    (((int)(x) * HZ + 999) / 1000)          /* x[ms] */

Timeouts would then be written as:

timeout = jiffies + snd_mwait(75);

Because of low HZ resolution, wait times are limited to n*10ms, when HZ
is defined as 100. There are problems for wait times lower than 100ms:
if somebody wants to timeout at 75ms (as it is in our example), then he
means "not sooner than 75ms". That is, why we round to the ceiling,
except for n*10ms wait times, which usualy mean exact times.

(And, we don't want floating-point instructions for any input parameter,
that is what (int) is doing in macro)

  More examples:

HZ = 100:

  mwait(1) = 1
  mwait(70) = 7
  mwait(75) = 8
  mwait(100) = 10

HZ = 1000:

  mwait(1) = 1
  mwait(70) = 70
  mwait(75) = 75
  mwait(100) = 100

HZ = 20

  mwait(1) = 1
  mwait(70) = 2
  mwait(75) = 2
  mwait(100) = 2 (exact)
  mwait(101) = 3

This macro would allow us to change code like

  timeout = 3 * (HZ >> 2);
  timeout = HZ / 10;


  timeout = snd_mwait(750);
  timeout = snd_mwait(100);


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