I've noticed that there is a patch submition #481660 by Pekka Pessi 
correcting this but there isn't any comment on CVS regarding it since then 
and the patch isn't there anymore.

I would like to know why it wasn't commited yet and when do you plan to 
implement the fullduplex?

If it's not rightaway I would like to test this patch myself in the 


Jose Fonseca

PS: Please CC me because I'm not a subscriber to this list.

On 2002.01.12 10:04 José Fonseca wrote:
I have a Toshiba Satellite 1700-500 running RHL 7.2 with alsa-0.9.0beta9
with a CS4281 that supports full duplex operation (according with the
manufacter's information). But when running the OpenH323 applications I 
record but can't hear sound and sometimes (more rarelly) the other way 
around. No error message regarding the sound device is reported though.

To make a quick test on the fullduplex availability I run aplay with a 
long 44100Hz 16bit wav file while trying to record with the arecord at the 
sample rate and bitsize. When I start recording I hear garbled output with 
very high frequence content. After the recording the music resumes. The 
recording is a mix of the noise I've hear before with what I spoke. There 
is no error message displayed in either application.

Is this a bug or an unsupported feature?


Jose Fonseca

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