>I'm not at all sure why the callback mechanism is such an issue.  Windows uses
>callbacks for their standard sound layer as well as with DirectSound.  I'm not
>sure why the callback model is so difficult to incorporate into an application

imagine a standard tracker-style program. it has a UI of some kind
that defines a pattern of sound it should play.  it can choose the
size of the chunks it wants to generate.  with a "push" model (aka
"read/write" model) for audio i/o, all it has to do is write the chunk
the the audio interface and wait for the write(2) to return, then move
on to compute the next chunk.

with a callback system, this isn't possible. instead, it now has to
keep track of where it is in the pattern each time it gets called to
process `nframes', and it has no control over the size of
`nframes'. if the pattern length(s) don't match `nframes' as a nice
round divisor or multiple, this can get tricky. i know this because i
ported rythmnlab to use JACK; rythmnlab is a polymetric pattern audio
sequencer, and figuring out how to compute the next nframes at any
point in time was not easy (for me, at least). perhaps a program
written with a callback model from the start would be easy, but
rythmnlab was not, and i got quite a headache from this stuff :)

secondly, there are many, many existing applications that have been
written on the assumption that they can call write() or read() (or the
ALSA equivalents), and just go to sleep till the audio interface
driver wakes them up again. in several programs (Csound would be a
classic example), this design is absolutely fundamental to the
operation of the program. Changing such programs is never impossible
(Michael Gogins got Csound working as a VST plugin a few months ago),
but is often quite hard, and developers may well find themselves
saying "why am i doing this?"

>suit high end apps while not making it too difficult for low end apps.  It
>really is time that something was done.  What can I do to help?

write code.

      - we need work on supporting other data types (MIDI would be
        very interesting, and quite hard)
      - port an existing linux audio app to use JACK. i am particularly
        interested in SpiralLoops, but it has the same design as
        Csound (using blocking write(2) to schedule itself) which
        makes it not very easy to do.

write explanatory documentation.

>Where can these comparisons be found btw?

Karl MacMillan's paper presented at ICMC last fall. He can probably
post the URL/reference. It compared latency performance of audio API's
in several different desktop OS's.


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