Date: 28 Feb 2002 12:01:45 +0100
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* "Takashi" == Takashi Iwai schrieb am Wed, 27 Feb 2002 17:47:39 +0100:
> At Wed, 27 Feb 2002 15:50:47 -0000,
> James Courtier-Dutton wrote:
>> Hello
>> AC3 passthru on the SB Live does not seem to work on all platforms
>> with the latest alsa-cvs. (26-2-2002) It works on my system, which
>> is a SB Live Rev 6, which only started working recently.

> Just curious - are you using a kernel with HIGHMEM config?  If
> working with this config, then it should not be a problem of memory
> allocation.  Or, it might be the problem of dma mask.  ALSA uses
> 31bit mask while Creative's driver uses 29bit.  But anyway this
> won't affect unless you have more than 512MB RAM and kernel
> ocasionally allocates the area greater than 512MB.
James has a rev 06 card so it doesn't apply to him. I have a rev07
card and it doesn't work and I don't have HIGHMEM enabled.

>> It does not work on a SB Live rev 7 (I don't have this, but others
>> have reported.)

> IIRC, we still don't implement the direct pass-through method (PASS2
> in Creative's driver) for the recent models (rev.7 or newer).
> Perhaps this makes difference.
Are there plans to implement this? Can I help with doing that? Don't 
know if any of the developers have a rev07 card.


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