Maarten de Boer wrote:

>Updating my fltk alsamixer frontend, alsamixergui, I once again
>found that alsamixer (and therefore alsamixergui) shows a lot
>of sliders. With my Audigy, it's really too much. I think it
>would be very nice to be able to configure alsamixer, to show
>only a subset of sliders. I guess a .alsamixerrc file in the
>users homedirectory. But maybe the /etc/asound.state could be
>used for that as well? It would be nice to have several presets
>or groups..
>Do you have any suggestions about how to do this? I would not
>mind implementing it (I think it's won't be to much work), but
>I'd like to have your opinion first.
Maybe having a key in alsamixer to switch between playback and capture 
sliders groups.
Currently, playback and capture sliders are side by side, creating a 
rather long line of sliders.


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