Matthias Saou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've managed to work something out for Red Hat Linux that should be
> easily portable to Mandrake I guess (then again, they already have
> ALSA 0.5.x built in, is that what I understood from the last few
> mails??).

yep, we shipped alsa-0.5.x for quite some times, at least since
december 2000 (and i believe a few month before), that is since mdk8.0
i think.

between mdk8.2 (released in very early 2002) and mdk9.0 (released a
few days ago), we switched from alsa 0.5.x to alsa-0.9.x

> I have a single "alsa-driver" source package which builds a binary
> "alsa-driver" one containing the include files and the device
> entries (in a tricky way by adding a file to /etc/makedev.d/ in
> order to package the device entries even while building as
> non-root), and another "alsa-kernel" one which matches the currently
> running kernel's package.

since it must be rebuild for each kernel, we integrated in our kernel
package (first as a separate tarball with configure/make/..., now we
untar it under sound in kernel linux sources and apply a few patches
to so that there's one make to run)

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